Your opinion matters!
A research is being conducted for the European project Erasmus+ KA220, Cooperation Partnership in School Education, entitled “EARS"-Educational Agreement as a Response to School-dropout” and Grant Agreement N. 2021-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000032619.
For this scope, we want to know your opinion on the dropout phenomenon and the measures and approaches used by your school to reduce it.
We would very much appreciate your participation in our research with the filling of the online questionnaire. It is completely anonymous and it takes about 10-15 minutes.
Please find bellow the invitation to this survey as well as the link to the online form, which is aimed for teachers/ trainers/ headmaster/ managers/ dropout specialists and any other persons related to dropout issues in your school.

To translate the form: open the form, right click anywhere, go to "translate to ..",choose your language, modify if needed from the top right toolbar in your URL, repeat for every chapter (please share this info when necessary).
The form is anonymous although at the end if the participants wish to be involved in the next stages they are requested to state their email.
Pay attention! The survey has several pages, and to go through it and submit, you must click on the "Forward" button.
The survey is available until December 10, 2022, 12:00 a.m.
The entire EARS project team thanks you for your effort and availability!